Category: Local
Click here: LGBT turnout for free gun course surprises local shooting range

Even if you don’t believe in God, do you wish you did? Even if you’re an atheist or an agnostic, is there still good reason to act religiously? Peter Kreeft, philosophy professor at Boston College, explains why even atheists should want there to be a God, and how acting as if there is one may actually lead to you believing it.
Click here: Created by executive order during the height of the Great Depression, the Export-Import Bank has been used as a tool to reward politically connected elites, both in the United States and abroad, for decades.
84 percent of the bank’s subsidy and loan-guarantee deals exceeded $10 million, and the vast majority were given to the wealthiest, most well-connected businesses that should have no problem acquiring financing on the open market.
Which poses a bigger threat to black communities: Racism? Or the absence of fathers? Drawing on a sea of official data and his own upbringing, talk-show host Larry Elder shows just how important black fathers are in turning boys into responsible and happy men–and how their absence has had a tragic impact on millions of black Americans.