I see where Hillary is still hiding out so as not to appear and explain why the administration failed to protect the ambassador and three others killed during the terrorist attack on the embassy in Libya.
It’s also been made public but not by the Obama run newspapers or TV news that the four employees whose dereliction of duty for not adequately protecting the embassy in Benghazi have not been fired but just moved around state to another location in order to continue to draw their salary and benefits although they are incompetent and not accountable by government standards for their mistakes as they would be in the private sector.
There just isn’t any shame in this administration or ethics when it comes to honesty.
Category: News
Why in hell would Time magazine name Obama man of the year? I can’t think of one thing he’s done to warrant such an award, if that’s what it is if not met to be a joke.
This Obama has done nothing to heal the problems our country faces other than making most of them worse. He’s failed to produce a budget since being in office plus he’s not done much of anything about the recession and what he has done has all failed, with the exception of putting our grandchildren further in debt to the Chinese. Then when his worthless healthcare cranks up we’ll be so bad off nothing will save us unless he resigns.
We have a government that can’t manage the post office, Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security along with many other so called programs and now they think they can manage the healthcare industry. Government is our worst enemy with Obama at the helm thanks to a lying press along with the Obama biased TV news and the votes of people that have no value added input to our country through only taking value.
Hang on folks the worst is yet to happen and be assured it will with Obama at the helm. By the way one of his cost saving plans is to reduce the COLA (which is already little to nothing) for those on Social Security but of course he didn’t mention it during his campaign. Sooner or later all the lies will rise to the surface and people will begin to understand how they were duped again into voting for him.
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