Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

How serious is the government about tax collection?

Click here: IRS Has 4,487 Guns and 5-million Rounds of Ammunition

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Wall Street Journal Shreds The Washington Post’s Trump Christmastime Troop Visit Coverage

Click here: The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page lashed into the Washington Post over coverage of President Trump’s Christmastime visit to the troops. “Can anyone reading those opening two sentences wonder why millions of Americans believe Donald Trump when he tells them that he can’t get a fair shake from the press?” the Journal asked.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Why Obamacare Doesn’t Work As Promised

President Obama made many promises to the American people regarding health care reform — but the Affordable Care Act was destined to fail. Why? Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institute explains in this short 5-minute video why government-run health care is not the answer.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Least-Educated State: California has Highest Percentage of Residents 25 and Older Who Never Finished 9th Grade and dead last in High School Graduates

Click here: California ranks No. 1 among the 50 states for the percentage of its residents 25 and older who have never completed ninth grade and 50th for the percentage who have graduated from high school, according to new data from the Census Bureau.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Trump’s approval among Republican women is 93%—higher than among GOP men.

Click here: No one likes President Trump more than Republican women do.

Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

NY Times: Democrats Imitated Russian Tactics in Senate Race

Click here: “As Russia’s online election machinations came to light last year, a group of Democratic tech experts decided to try out similarly deceptive tactics in the fiercely contested Alabama Senate race, according to people familiar with the effort and a report on its results.”
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Why You Should Be a Nationalist

It’s undeniable: Around the world, nationalism is on the march, and the media and reigning political elites would have you believe this is a dangerous disaster in the making. So, why is Yoram Hazony, author of The Virtue of Nationalism, unafraid? Watch this short 5-minute video to understand.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington West Burlington

Media Hype Questionable Gun Control Study

Dozens of news outlets reported that America has the most mass shooters in the world. Many say that shows America needs more gun control. This short 5-minute video reveals the accuracy of the study.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Record 156,795,000 Americans Employed, 13th Record-Breaker Under Trump

Click here: The number of employed Americans once again reached an all-time high of 156,795,000, the 13th record since Donald Trump became president.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?

The genius of America is that it was set up as a representative government, but increasingly, Americans are ruled over by leaders who are unelected, and very powerful. Columbia Law Professor Philip Hamburger unmasks the people who are really ruling our lives in this short 5-minute video.