Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

What’s Wrong with Government-Run Healthcare?

If you get sick or suffer a serious injury, you not only want medical care, you want quality medical care. What’s the best way to get it? Through a government-run program like Medicare for All or through our current free market system? Stanford policy expert Lanhee Chen has the answer in this short 5-minute video. Get informed. After all, this is your health we’re talking about.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

President Trump’s winning list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months

Click here: Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at the same time in his administration and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on. As Trump nears the two-year mark his administration has counted up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

People who fled Cuba and Venezuela warn Americans not to embrace socialism.

Socialism has become cool in America, under the nice name “democratic socialism.” Gloria Álvarez ‏knows better, because she’s from Latin America and studied socialism there. She says: Watch out! Socialism has a clear track record of wrecking every country that implements it. Hear her story in this short 6-minute video.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Michelle Malkin: The TRUTH About FALSE Rape Allegations

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Study: Trump’s Economic Boom Largely Ignored as TV’s Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative

Click here: TV networks spent almost no airtime — a mere 14 minutes, or 0.7 percent — on the administration’s economic achievements, including the positive effects of the tax cuts and deregulation, plus historic job growth. Indeed, the only aspect of the Trump economic program that interested the networks during the past four months has been the President’s use of tariffs to push for better trade deals.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Sadly, false rape accusations are NOT uncommon

Click here: In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird , an all-white jury convicts an innocent black man of raping a white woman in a small 1930s southern town, despite the efforts his lawyer who defies the town’s lynch-mob mentality and proves the victim’s story to be false. It’s a new century, a sequel has just come out – and we still have men being falsely convicted of rape despite the evidence. This time with leftist’s (Democrats) staffing the lynch mobs.

A fine example is Mark Weiner, who on a rainy day gave a woman a ride to her home – a good deed ending in a sentence of eight years in jail for abducting a woman with the intent to sexually harm her. There was almost no evidence of his guilt. There was considerable exculpatory evidence (some of which was not disclosed to his attorney). Of course, none of that matters to the true believers who increasingly run America. This happened in Charlottesville, home of the infamous fake rape publicized in last November’s Rolling Stone. Click here to read more…

Burlington Iowa Local Opinion Political West Burlington

Goodbye, Columbus Day

Even though it remains a national holiday, many cities no longer celebrate Columbus Day. They celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day instead. What’s behind the switch? Contrary to what you might think, it’s not about paying homage to America’s original inhabitants. Steven Crowder, host of Louder with Crowder, explains.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Here are the US metro areas with the best and worst job markets – and the Midwest is doing better than you think

Click here: Five Iowa cities make Top 20 best job markets in America.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Trump economy continues growth. Unemployment claims lowest since 1969

Click here: The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to a near 49-year low last week.
Donald J. Trump
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Rasmussen: 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance

Click here: Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017