The Western world has produced some of the most prosperous and most free civilizations on earth. What makes the West exceptional? Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire and author of “The Right Side of History,” explains in this short 5-minute video that the twin pillars of revelation and reason — emanating from ancient Jerusalem and Athens — form the bedrock for Western civilization’s unprecedented success.
Category: Security
From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains in this short 5-minute video.

President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
‘The Rubin Report’ host Dave Rubin weighs in on the media’s attack on free speech and differing views in this short 5-minute video.
Decades after capitalism seemed to have triumphed over socialism, politicians are once again arguing about the merits and drawbacks of these opposing economic systems. Why are we still having this debate? Andy Puzder, former CEO of the parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr., explains the misconceptions that keep the debate alive in this short 5-minute video.