Category: Security
Google’s Influence on American elections could be viewed as illegal campaign finance donations. Experts on the left are also alarmed by the findings in a recent report. Tucker Carlson explains in this short, but shocking, 8-minute video.
But that’s not what Swedish historian Johan Norberg says in a new documentary and Stossel TV video.
“Sweden is not socialist — because the government doesn’t own the means of production. To see that, you have to go to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea,” says Norberg.
“We did have a period in the 1970s and 1980s when we had something that resembled socialism: a big government that taxed and spent heavily. And that’s the period in Swedish history when our economy was going south.”
The chief of U.S. Border Patrol during Barack Obama’s presidency said Monday that President Trump is right in his view that border walls are effective. Watch this short 3-minute video interview.
Was the Constitution written in a way that was designed to protect freedom and limit the government’s size? Has it been effective in doing that? And what’s the Supreme Court’s record when it comes to protecting our rights? Robert George, Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, answers these questions and more in this short 5-minute video.
Students at American University (Washington DC) hated some of President Trump’s quotes on illegal immigration… before finding out the quotes were from Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. Watch their reaction in this short 3-minute video.
Think of all the horrors of the 20th Century: The Holocaust. The Bolshevik Revolution. The Cold War. Were it not for the assassination of one Austro-Hungarian archduke in 1914, none of those events would have ever happened. Historian and author Andrew Roberts explains in this short 5-minute video.