Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

‘Bill raped me and Hillary threatened me!’

Click here: FOUR Clinton sex victims just 90 minutes before the debate starts – Charge BOTH Bill and Hillary Clinton of sexual abuse. ‘Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me,’ Juanita Broaddrick said, ‘and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.’ Kathy Shelton  added, ‘I may be Hillary Clinton’s 1st female victim. She ruined my life; defended my rapist & blamed me. I was 12 yrs old. Then she laughed at me.’
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

She Was Raped at 22. As a Rape Survivor, she speaks out.

Oct. 22, 2007, when Amanda Collins was just 22 years old, her life would change forever. “I lived through the worst fear that I had had up until that point,” says Collins, who’s now a mother of three,  “What happened was that while I was a student at the University of Nevada Reno, I was brutally raped.” Nine years later,  Collins’ convicted rapist is now sitting on death row for raping and killing another victim in Nevada.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Hillary Clinton’s Plan for Guns – Making a Constitutional Right Impossible to Exercise

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Latin Times: Alicia Machado Is ‘Venezuela’s Most Scandalous Beauty Queen’

Click here: Alicia Machado Is ‘Venezuela’s Most Scandalous Beauty Queen’ After Trump, Drug Lord Controversy

LATIN TIMES: …”Machado has become the beauty queen that most Venezuelan’s would rather forget. Since being crowned Miss Universe in 1996, the beauty queen has been in and out of the headlines.“Without a doubt, she is the most scandalous beauty queen in Venezuela’s history,” Orlando Suarez, a renowned entertainment reporter in Venezuela, told the publication.

Machado has been linked to attempted murder, being romantically involved with Mexican drug lord Jose Gerardo “El Indio” Alvarez, posing naked for Playboy twice and lastly, being engaged in an alleged sexual encounter caught on TV by the Spanish reality show “La Granja” in 2005.”

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Obama DOJ drops charges against Libyan Arms dealer who had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton

Click here: Libyan Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

Veteran says Terrorist crashed into him at 100 mph

Click here: The driver, Ameer Abbaf Fakhraldin, said ‘I did it on purpose. It was in the name of Allah.'”
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Outrage In Iowa Over Obama ‘DREAMer’ Who Killed 12-Year-Old Girl

Click here: Open borders agenda claims another victim. Lopez Aguilar was a loser: a scruffy 18-year-old who had entered the country illegally from Mexico at age seven, and who’d had previous run-ins with the police. And earlier this month, he was taken into custody for causing a horrific three-vehicle crash in Des Moines – a  crash fatally injured 12-year-old Lea Phann, a popular 7th grader, and seriously injured four other people, including Phann’s grandfather.


Burlington Iowa Local Opinion Political Security West Burlington


Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Obama Advocates for UN Gun Treaty Ratification

Click here: Second Amendment advocates are concerned the treaty could provide an international law rationalization for a national gun registry in the United States, and is overly vague. “The language is so vague it could almost mean anything. A lot could be done to rationalize gun control. The treaty has no prohibitions, no thou-shalt-nots,” says Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.
gun UN
United Nations Gun Control Monument
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Russia ‘to revive the KGB’ after Putin wins biggest majority

Click here: Russia ‘to revive the KGB’ after Putin wins biggest majority