Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Android security alert! Fingerprint recognition defeated with an inkjet printer

Click here: Android security alert as researchers reveal how to beat fingerprint recognition with an inkjet PRINTER.
 You can fool an Android fingerprint sensor with office supplies and 15 minutes of your time.


Burlington Education Iowa News Political Security West Burlington

Did Bush Lie About Iraq?

Did George W. Bush lie to America about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction? Judith Miller, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, covered the lead up to the Iraq War for The New York Times, and settles once and for all the big lie about the war in Iraq.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Your Second Amendment

Tired of listening to Progressives tell you that the Second Amendment only allows people in militias to keep and bear arms? Or that the Founders would have never intended the Second Amendment to apply to modern weapons? In his latest FIREWALL Bill recounts a remarkable conversation about the precise wording of the Second Amendment, and sums up why the document says what it means and means what it says.

Burlington Iowa News Political Security West Burlington

At least 1,818 Clinton emails contain classified material

Click here: According to the State Department at least 1,818 emails that Hillary Clinton sent or received contained classified material.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Hacker: ‘Entire banking system is fundamentally flawed – you’re giving access to your cash’

Click here: Hacker warns that security at our banks is woefully inadequate
Burlington Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Beware of Android virus that can WIPE your phone

Click here: Owners of Android phones have been warned to beware of powerful malware being spread by text message which can wipe handsets and read text messages.


Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

ALERT: Hundreds of Homeland Security badges, guns, cell phones lost or stolen

Click here: Hundreds of DHS badges, guns, cell phones lost or stolen since 2012
Burlington Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Security Solar Panels West Burlington

Report: Global Warming Stopped 16-years Ago

Figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until  August 2012 there was no discernible rise in global  temperatures.