Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Technology West Burlington

FOX News Viewers tops CNN & MSNBC combined

Click here: FNC averaged 2M total viewers while CNN bagged 891K viewers and MSNBC snared 824K viewers.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Inspector General: Hillary Clinton violated email rules

Click here: State Department Inspector General found Hillary Clinton failed to comply with the State Department’s policies on records while using a personal email server that was not — and, officials say, would never have been — approved by agency officials, according to a report released to lawmakers on Wednesday.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

World’s Largest Solar Plant Torches Itself

Click here: It’s yet another setback for the Solar facility. For the past few months, the plant has been unable to meet the output levels stipulated in its power purchase agreement. Also a recent test of the 110-megawatt Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project in Nevada resulted in some 130 birds catching fire.
Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy?

To make earth cleaner, greener and safer, which energy sources should humanity rely on? Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress explains how modern societies have cleaned up our water, air and streets using the very energy sources you may not have expected–oil, coal and natural gas.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Obama-Backed Solar Plant To Be Shut Down For Not Producing Enough Energy

Click here: California regulators may force a massive solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert to shut down after years of under-producing electricity — not to mention the plant was blinding pilots flying over the area and incinerating birds.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Android security alert! Fingerprint recognition defeated with an inkjet printer

Click here: Android security alert as researchers reveal how to beat fingerprint recognition with an inkjet PRINTER.
 You can fool an Android fingerprint sensor with office supplies and 15 minutes of your time.


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

“Silicon Prairie,” Tech Entrepreneurs Flock to Midwest

Click here: Low pay tourism is out, America’s new entrepreneurial frontier is hi-tech companies moving to Midwest States like Nebraska and Iowa.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Hacker: ‘Entire banking system is fundamentally flawed – you’re giving access to your cash’

Click here: Hacker warns that security at our banks is woefully inadequate
Burlington Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Beware of Android virus that can WIPE your phone

Click here: Owners of Android phones have been warned to beware of powerful malware being spread by text message which can wipe handsets and read text messages.


Burlington Education Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Are Electric Cars Really Green?

Are electric cars greener than conventional gasoline cars? If so, how much greener? What about the CO2 emissions produced during electric cars’ production? And where does the electricity that powers electric cars come from? Environmental economist Bjorn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, examines how environmentally friendly electric cars really are.