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How Much Damage Can Hackers Do With a Million Fingerprints?

Click here: The pilfering of 1.1 million fingerprints is “probably the biggest counterintelligence threat in my lifetime,” one former NSA official said.


Burlington Iowa News Political Technology West Burlington

IRS Employees Erased 422 Backup Tapes Containing 24,000 of Lois Lerner’s Emails

COVERUP: The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) J. Russell George testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and told lawmakers IRS employees erased 422 backup tapes that housed 24,000 emails sent to and from Lerner.
Burlington Burlington Notre Dame Health Iowa Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Pope Francis banned skeptics from Vatican climate summit

Click here: Pope Francis did not want to hear the truth about climate science: “There is no global warming crisis!” “They did not want to hear an off note,” de Larminat said.”
Burlington Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Click here: Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.


Burlington Entertainment Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Che Guevara, the communist, is cool?

Burlington Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

High school renovations reveal students’ chalkboard drawings frozen in time at Thanksgiving 1917

Click here: Workers renovating an Oklahoma City high school last week were transported back nearly 100 years after uncovering chalkboards that have remained unchanged since Thanksgiving 1917.
Burlington Iowa News Political Technology West Burlington

Chinese hackers stole THREE DECADES of security clearance information

Click here: Breach of federal computer systems in the Office of Personnel Management included security clearance information and background checks dating back to 1985.
Burlington Health Iowa Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

NOAA Fiddles With Climate Data To Erase The 15-Year Global Warming ‘Hiatus’

Click here: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year “pause” in global warming: They “adjusted” the “pause” in warming out of the temperature record.
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Burlington Iowa News Political Technology West Burlington

Air Force Missile Knocks Out Computers as it Flies by

Click here: The silent missile that can destroy enemy electronics with microwave PULSES: Air Force confirms terrifying new weapon
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

The Death of the Green Energy Movement

Click here: The green energy movement in America is dead. May it rest in peace. No, a majority of American energy over the next 20 years is not going to come from windmills and solar panels. One important lesson to be learned from the green energy fad’s rapid and expensive demise is that central planning doesn’t work.
