Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Volt a Dolt


Well, our government is now going to try and tax us so it can develop a real car battery development lab because the GM Volt is a total bomb just like most enterprises the government undertakes that undercuts private industry know how and competition both of which make American work at its best.

Here’s what Jefferson had to say about government and taxes:

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” — Thomas Jefferson

Our current administration is totally nonfunctional in a positive way and overbearing and obnoxious in a negative way while the congress is just plain worthless and a waste of taxpayer money.

I think Obama has wasted enough money on his dabbling in the industrial world something he really knows nothing about and a person whose claim to fame was block organizing at best.  The problem with our economy is Obama himself but Obama’s ego gets in the way of his learning from the past; so don’t ever expect this president to solve any of our problems.  We are stuck with Obama through the fault of an unscrupulous American press and television news networks and people incapable of thinking for themselves while dependent on the taxpayer for their livelihood and only vote for those who would sell their souls to get elected and of course give them money.

Our country is being stolen right out from under us just as the left leaning liberals wanted.   The situation in Detroit is what is waiting for much of America because that’s Obama’s vision and his goal.  Make all America dependent on the principles of a loser economy and big dumb, incompetent government.

What a sick country we have become with a government that represents only those with no stake in anything other than greed and produce nothing of real value for the country as a whole and it’s definitely a top down process.