Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Military Handbook Concerns


Here’s just one paragraph explaining what a new troop proposed handbook will contain for the troops in Afghanistan.

A proposed new handbook for Americans serving in Afghanistan warns them not to speak ill about the Taliban, advocate women’s rights or criticize pedophilia, and the general in charge is not happy with it.

Now the left is trying to brainwash the soldiers as they have the school children with their politically correct hogwash.

This sounds like one of the Hawk Eye’s editorial rants right out of Obama’s playbook.  This politically correct life is nothing more than a loser proposal and in return will the Taliban treat our troops likewise or continue to behead, shoot and torture them if captured?

What a crock of crap this has to be and sounds like an attempt to make our military a bunch of people with both arms tied behind their backs rather than the current one arm.  A year or two ago they were supposed to restrict their shooting when shot at and be proper and trim liberal dunces while the Taliban were shooting at them.

I wonder if this new proposal means they are not to criticize pedophilia here in America when they come back.  What kind of a warped mind wrote this disgusting junk?  Is it just another Washington liberal bureaucrat needing to justify his or her gross salary and benefit package?