Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Liberal Lies


All these liberal government and media employees are hypocrites because they say one thing and do just the opposite trying to keep the masses in the dark about their political correct bs.  Obama’s kids go to a school with armed guards as do many of the talking heads from liberal news-land and elsewhere whose kids also attend guarded schools.  Don’t forget their self importance allows them to lie in order to support what they try to deny the masses through crooked politics,  misleading news stories or just plain censoring of the news by not printing or talking about it which is a common method used by the press and television news.

The objective of these talking dimwits is to get gun control just like the Attorney General tried to do through his failed Fast and Furious program.  Liberals will stoop to anything to get their stupid agendas passed through our worthless deadbeat do nothing congress and if not that way by regulations or mandates through the liberal administration and their EPA storm trooper organization.

Outright lying is a way of life for liberal people to achieve their agendas regardless of the collateral damage it inflicts on the population who only want to be left alone by these liberal talking and print heads out to destroy our democracy.