Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama the Socialist Tax Hiker


Obama is so motivated to raise taxes and increase the size of government that he could care less about the fiscal cliff and would be happy if we were all dependent on government to coddle us from birth to the grave such as socialist countries do.

He actually believes we should be like Europe where everyone is dependent on government for their livelihood or well being.  This way we can all be the same regardless of the human spirit that has driven America for the past 200 plus years something which will die.

Obama’s world is one of a few government officials on the upper rung of society managing the rest of the servants lingering below which is the entire population less a few of his socialist friends.  This guy wants to destroy our economy and that’s all there is to it.  The guy in my opinion is a nut case and it was nut cases who put him back in office for another four years.  By the time they realize their mistake, twice now it will be too late to clean it up.