Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

It’s Obama’s Sequester, Stupid


Again, Obama tries to pass the buck on who caused the sequester problem when it was the White House who first introduced it.  He also stated how teachers wouldn’t get paid along with others that have never been paid by the federal government in the first place.  Another group he mentioned was the EMT’s that wouldn’t be paid either.  Apparently the president just makes up what he wants people to hear regardless of the real truth and this is how he dupes people into believing him.

The American people should by now realize Obama is on the road to a failed presidency brought about because he doesn’t have the ability to lead with the exception of his ability to lead the left news organizations around by the snout, and never once accepting ownership for any of his constant failures.  Once again, the President offered no credible plan that can pass Congress and he continues to blame it on Republicans rather than his own poor leadership and inability to introduce sound legislation that can be accepted by both houses of congress.  Obama cannot compromise with the congress and that’s just the way he is and we have yet to feel the big failure of Obamacare that is waiting in the wings and may just be the biggest mistake of all that eventually forces the country into depression.

The President is in constant campaign mode and that’s about all he knows how to do is campaign because his ability to work with congress is nonexistent.  Obama should realize this is not a dictatorship as he would like and he should clean up his act and join congress in running this country as the constitution intended.