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Category: Burlington
Nothing like working for the state, getting fired for drunk driving and the second time for being fired again for substance abuse and then being rehired both times. Funny the state would appoint a convicted drunk driver to investigate the Burlington boat accident involving alcohol last summer where people are being charged for operating boats while legally drunk amongst other charges. Only working for the state would people like Mr. Kay get chance after chance to keep his job and end up investigate a case where he has been guilty of drunk driving himself and according to the state in a boat or a truck there is no difference.
When it comes to government and unions there’s no shame or morals between democrats and those that commit offenses resulting in their firings. Since the Iowa senate is run by democrats the governor has no way of cleaning up the special interest relationship between the government unions and democrats that result in the rehiring of fired workers that wouldn’t happen in the private sector. Democrats aren’t about to cut off their union money when election time rolls around regardless of its moral implications.
So, the policy in Iowa is to just sweep state employees records under the rug when they commit offenses resulting in their being fired. Sounds like the state believes no one is replaceable in the group known as the “Privileged Class” in Iowa, state employees. Lifetime employment no matter what has happened to break the public trust with the taxpayer. These people are paid by the taxpayer and not some bureaucrat up in Des Moines or the democrats.
According to Mr. Kay there was good reason he was hired back but of course that can’t be made public; so isn’t that extraordinarily convenient for Mr. Kay, something that can only happen in state government designed to protect the “Privileged Class” in Iowa while keeping the democrat campaign money flowing.
The following article about Mr. Kay was published in the Des Moines Register.
One of those is Paul Kay, a state conservation officer in Des Moines County who has been fired twice — and returned to his job twice — in the past five years. Five other state workers have been fired twice for just cause, according to Department of Administrative Services records.
Kay was fired in February 2008 for driving drunk while off duty. But he was reinstated through a settlement agreement with the state that included a 30-day suspension and his agreement to abide by the department’s substance abuse policy.
Kay’s second firing came in June 2009 — for a violation of the Department of Natural Resources substance abuse policy, according to his unemployment benefits appeal.
Records show Kay and another DNR employee who was not named in state unemployment records were at Catfish Bend Casino in Burlington when the co-worker helped himself to beer at a casino bar that had closed after 2 a.m. Kay consumed a portion of the beer — then both were removed from the casino by a casino security employee. Kay was later charged with theft, state records show.
Court records show that fifth-degree theft charges
against Kay were dismissed later that year. Kay, 38, is still employed with the state after appealing his firing to an arbitrator.He declined to discuss the situation with the Register.
“There was a good reason to be reinstated, but I don’t want to say,” Kay said.
The Iowa State Police Officers Council, Kay’s union, argued during arbitration in 2010 that Kay was an exceptional officer. Kay’s actions at the casino did not rise to the level of substance abuse, the union said, according to arbitrator records.
DNR spokesman Kevin Baskins declined to discuss Kay’s case. However, arbitrator records show the state defended its decision to fire Kay, saying he “brought discredit and embarrassment to the department.”
Arbitrator Jeffrey Jacobs said the question of whether Kay violated the substance abuse policy was “thorny,” but he ruled the incident did not undercut Kay’s ability or job performance.
His legally binding decision was to give Kay his job back.
If I’m not mistaken there were 36 babies murdered in Conn. by abortion the same day the school shootings took place. Although these 36 weren’t shot they were murdered by needles into the back of the head or just vacuumed out through a hose and thrown into the trash or down the drain.
Where is the outrage about this murder of unborn babies by the general public and the administratin along with the other dimwits in Washington. Could these silent people be the worlds biggest hypocrites, where ever they are.
If anyone would like to see the human way babies are murdered should check out It’s not right some nut case kills children with a gun but it’s ok for some butcher in a clinic or someother person to kill them while still in the mother simply because she doesn’t what it for one reason or another. Twenty shot down in school and thirty-six intentionally murdered in just one day and no one complains about the thirty-six (36) aborted under the guise its legal-because the supreme court said it was. Who okayed the supreme court to kill babies by slaughtering them before birth.
All baby killers will be judged eventually regardless of the supreme court or anyone else who thinks they have the right to allow baby killing by the millions. There really seems to be a double standard in the way abortion is thought of in this country and around the world and we’re worried about guns being the cause for killing children while its the supreme court in America that allowed the wholesale killing of babies, in the millions. Guns compared to abortions is probably close to a negative number in the killing of children versus abortion but both are still morally wrong and sinful.
“On December 29, the 7th Cavalry under Colonel James Forsyth surrounded a band of Ghost Dancers under the Sioux Chief Big Foot near Wounded Knee Creek and demanded they surrender their weapons. Big Foot and his followers had no intentions of attacking anyone, but they were distrustful of the army and feared they would be attacked if they relinquished their guns. Nonetheless, the Sioux agreed to surrender and began turning over their guns. As that was happening, a scuffle broke out between an Indian and a soldier, and a shot was fired. Though no one is certain which side fired it, the ensuing melee was quick and brutal. Without arms and outnumbered, the Sioux were reduced to hand-to-hand fighting with knives, and they were cut down in a withering rain of bullets, many coming from the army’s rapid-fire repeating Hotchkiss guns. By the time the soldiers withdrew, 146 Indians were dead (including 44 women and 18 children) and 51 wounded. The 7th Cavalry had 25 dead and 39 wounded.” (history Channel)
As you notice that this event did not end well for all of those involved. We need to learn from history. The Native Americans of the United States tried to stand for their rights and the federal government did as they wished. Remember it is We the People. Make sure your voice is heard regardless if think you are one person. Never sit silently and think there is nothing I can do.
For those wondering why the Sandy Relief bill failed to pass need only look at our crooked politicians in Washington trying to line the pockets of their friends in states nowhere near hurricane Sandy’s area of destruction.
The Pork Filled and Expensive Non-Relief Sandy Relief Bill – Katie Pavlich
I would also like to mention those affected by water damage should buy themselves insurance and not depend on the taxpayer for their failure to buy insurance. Many of the damaged homes are within feet of the ocean and should in no way be covered by the government because of poor decision making by the owner. There was even millions of dollars stuck within the pork for the EPA our American version of the administrations Gestapo. It is just sickening to see what these self-serving dimwits in Washington won’t do to get reelected or insure their power.
We need a law limiting what government is libel for in cases of natural disasters where people build homes and other structures in areas adjacent to possible storm damage zones from water and wind such as hurricanes. Such as if the home is closer than one mile from the beaches and so on. Some of the homes were less than a hundred feet off the ocean and should have been expected to be destroyed during a bad storm. People that build in dangerous zones should buy their own insurance simply because they built in a dangerous area.