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What’s Wrong with Wind and Solar?

Are wind, solar, and batteries the magical solutions to all our energy needs? Or do they come with too high a price? Mark Mills, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, analyzes the true cost — both economic and environmental
Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local Nature News Political West Burlington

PANIC PANDEMIC: COVID-19 Facts the Media DOESN’T Want You to Know

Steve Deace reports on the COVID-19 facts the Media doesn’t want you to know, and it’s straight from the CDC database.
Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

Dr. Nicole Saphier: Teachers Need To Go Back To Work

“I am a big supporter of getting kids back to in-person schooling, especially those younger kids, kindergarten through third grade. It is so vital to them that they actually are around other children. I think that the long term consequences will be significantly more severe than of COVID itself if we don’t get them back, so they’re my priority. … I want to see my children back in school. I actually want them back in school not wearing masks.  I do think there are smart ways that the schools are able to do it. …teachers are essential workers. They are tasked with caring for our children and their development and they need to get back to work.”

Click here for full article

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local Political Religion Security West Burlington

Where the ideas for the Declaration of Independence came from

Most of us learned the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence in school: that “all men are created equal,” “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” that government’s job is “to secure these rights.” This was a radical departure from the way things had always been. Where did these revolutionary ideas come from?
Burlington Education Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Security Technology West Burlington

COVID-19 & Mask Myths DEBUNKED!

Bottom line: Masks work. They are safe for almost everyone to wear, and the more people that wear them along with adhering to physical distancing and other strategies, then that’s more lives we’ll save. But there’s still a lot of confusion and misinformation out there when it comes both to wearing masks and the actual risks of getting infected with COVID-19. In this video I address a few of the most common myths and misunderstandings using scientific evidence.
Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local Political Security Technology West Burlington

When They Come (Political Poetry)

Education Iowa Local News West Burlington

West Burlington High School Class of 2020

Photo by Dan Hockett
West Burlington High School Graduating Class of 2020 is seated on the bleachers of the football field per CDC COVID-19 social distancing recommendations Saturday afternoon in West Burlington.
Education Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

West Burlington 2020 Graduation Ceremony

Photo by Dan Hockett
West Burlington High School Commencement is on the football field Saturday afternoon, June 20th, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Families sit together inside circles painted on the field and graduates sit properly distanced on the bleachers.
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Michael Moore’s documentary ‘has exposed green energy as a fraud’

Michael Moore’s documentary, ‘Planet of the Humans’ has exposed the “swindlers” who are peddling misinformation and the environmental benefits of green energy. “He exposes everything about green energy as simply a fraud peddled by a whole lot of swindlers who are making an absolute fortune out of it, and ultimately, it’s not even environmentally friendly.

Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

NU Study: Patients Low In Vitamin D Twice As Likely To Develop Severe COVID-19 Symptoms

Northwestern University study concludes vitamin D may be an essential ingredient to protecting oneself from the coronavirus. The research team discovered a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and mortality rates.