Burlington Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

The Death of the Green Energy Movement

Click here: The green energy movement in America is dead. May it rest in peace. No, a majority of American energy over the next 20 years is not going to come from windmills and solar panels. One important lesson to be learned from the green energy fad’s rapid and expensive demise is that central planning doesn’t work.


Iowa Local Nature News West Burlington

Welcome rain

Photo by Dan Hockett A soggy squirrel grabs a quick snack between showers Thursday afternoon in West Burlington.
Photo by Dan Hockett
A soggy squirrel grabs a quick snack between showers Thursday afternoon in West Burlington.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

US to lose control over Internet by year’s end

Click here: The group that oversees the world’s Internet addresses announced Thursday that it would be privatized and out of US government control by year’s end.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Regulation Run Amok: Code of Federal Regulations now numbers over 175,000 pages

Click here: The number of federal crimes you can now commit has increased 50% since just 1980.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Why Civil Asset Forfeiture Is Uniting Democrats and Republicans

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Homeownership rate lowest in 25 years

Click here: Homeownership rate lowest in 25 years
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Census: Record 51 million immigrants in 8 years, accounts for 82% of U.S. growth

Census: Record 51 million immigrants in 8 years, will account for 82% of U.S. growth


Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

State Issues from Tom Sands

News from the Hill…

This week in the Iowa House we debated the Senate’s version of the Gun Bill, SF 427.  This bill legalized the use of suppressors in accordance with federal law.  The House sent over a much more comprehensive bill that they refused to take up.  Instead the Senate chose to start a new bill and sent it over.  Representative Matt Windschitl who has been working hard on second amendment issues over his nine year career as a legislator floor managed this bill in the Iowa House.  The house amended the Senate file with H-1177, which was a strike after amendment.  This amendment strikes the Senate language that classified a suppressor as an offensive weapon, making suppressors legal in Iowa.  The House amendment also added much of the language that was in the House File, but not all.  The amendment passed on a voice vote and then the amended bill passed with 73 voting aye, 25 voting nay and 2 absent or not voting.  I voted for this amendment and bill.

 First-Time Home Buyers…

The Ways and Means Committee passed HSB 234 which establishes a first-time home buyer’s savings account.  The bill sets up the frame work to encourage first-time home buyers to start saving for their first home.  To qualify for a home mortgage the buyer usually has to come up with a percentage of the purchase price for a down payment.  This bill would help encourage buyers to start saving a head of time for their down payment before they purchased their first primary home.  The bill allows a qualified individual to deduct up to $3,000 or $6,000 per qualified married couple annually of their saving off the adjusted gross income.  This bill also provides that if a withdrawal is made for a purpose other than an eligible cost, an account holder will have to add all of the tax deductions they previously took back into their taxable income.  This bill passed out of committee with 24 voting aye, 0 voting nay and 1 absent or not voting.  I voted for this bill.

Uninsured Motorist…

One of the bills we passed out the Ways and Means Committee last week was debated and passed on the house floor this week.  The bill, HF 606, formerly HF 514 & HSB 97 started in the House Commerce Committee.  Several years ago Iowa passed a mandatory insurance for individuals who have a driver’s license.  The problem with present law is the only way to check that an individual has insurance is if they are stopped by law enforcement they have to provide proof of insurance.  This bill establishes a data base that is updated and law enforcement will be able to check to see if people with driver’s license are insured.  The number of uninsured motorist is too high and those of us who are insured are paying for the accidents of those who are not insured.  It is time for them to pay their own way.  I voted for this bill in Commerce, Ways and Means and on the House floor.  The bill heads over to the senate for debate in that chamber after receiving a vote of 75 voting aye, 23 voting nay and 2 absent or not voting.


The State of Iowa passed anti-bullying legislation in 2008.   For the third year Governor Branstad has wanted to broaden present law on anti-bullying.   A child being bullied on the playgrounds is nothing new, but with the use of social media the act is taking a new dimension.  While we all agree that no child should have to experience the threat of being bullied.  The question is who should be responsible for taking action when a child is bullied.  The most obvious answer is anyone who knows that the offense is being committed.   But should the Legislature start dictating who should be responsible and how they should handle every situation that may occur?  I don’t think so.  School officials and teachers certainly should not be held responsible if the event is occurring off school grounds.  Part of the problem with cyber bullying is society has given children social media tools to communicate with other children.  Then we expect them to act like adults.  While it is never okay for one person to say something derogatory to/about another person saying it over social media compounds the issue and can make it linger on in to perpetuity.  This is a very serious problem that is growing, but is it the government that can solve this?  I would like to know what your thoughts are on how to combat bullying and cyber bullying.

“Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.” – Ronald Reagan

For more information on these and other bills:

Until next time,

Tom Sands

Burlington Burlington Notre Dame Iowa Local News Softball Sports West Burlington

WBND Asst. Softball Coach Miranda Kramer Drafted by Pennsylvania Rebellion

Click here: Western Kentucky University softball’s Miranda Kramer made program history on Wednesday, becoming the first Lady Topper ever drafted by a National Pro Fastpitch team, as the senior was picked sixth by the Pennsylvania Rebellion.
Burlington Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Facebook tracking all users even after they delete accounts

Click here: Facebook secretly installs tracking cookies on users’ computers, then secretly follows users around the internet even after they’ve left the website.