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Obama Faces Voters With Highest Unemployment Of Any Incumbent Since FDR

Click Link: Obama Faces Voters With Highest Unemployment Of Any Incumbent Since FDR

News Political

Under Obama: Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation

Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation


Court OKs warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras

Court OKs warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras

Nature News

Hurricane Sandy Relief Donations

Want to help Hurricane Sandy victims? Click links below to donate:

American Red Cross    or    Salvation Army


Obama-style Halloween

News Political

Obamanomics: Class Warfare vs Pro-Growth Tax Policy

News Political

Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate

Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate


Bryna Franklin of Jerusalem is a lifelong Democrat and former chair of Democrats Abroad Israel.

“Bryna Franklin of Jerusalem is a lifelong Democrat and former chair of Democrats Abroad Israel. She voted for a Republican for President for the first time in her 80 years when she voted this year for Mitt Romney. Bryna, a delegate to the 1992 Democratic National Convention and who served for years as vice chair of the Franklin County Democratic Central Committee in Missouri, explained her decision as stemming from a deep disappointment in President Obama on a range of issues. Bryna has been an active and committed Democrat her whole life. But this year, like many other Jewish Democrats, she is calling on her fellow Jews across America to support Mitt Romney. Watch her story here.”

News Political

GALLUP: Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters

GALLUP: Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters

Iowa Local News Sports Volleyball West Burlington

West Burlington Volleyball Photos

West Burlington Volleyball Photos Now Posted in Our Gallery.

Photo by Dan Hockett