Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

State Issues from Tom Sands

News from the Hill…

This week we received the Senate Democrats proposal on commercial property taxes, SF 295.  The bill in its original form provides a property tax credit for businesses on the first $324,000 of value.  But that is only when or if the credit is fully funded.  There needs to be at least a 4% annual revenue growth at the state for the credit to be funded.  Also, the bill relies on the legislature to annually appropriate the amount of money to fund the tax credit.  This credit would be similar to the Homestead tax credit that seldom gets fully funded.  This bill simply does not provide predictable commercial property tax relief.  This bill does nothing to stop the shift that is occurring to the residential property tax payer.  This bill does not bring clarity into the multi-residential living units and finally the bill does not modernize the Telephone Industries.  These are all the reasons why we amended the bill to correct all that was wrong in SF 295.

The House amendment stripped everything in the Senate file and replaced it with our language.  We rolled back the commercial value so it would be taxed at 80% of value when fully enacted.  This provides $339 million in property tax relief.  The state protects local governments with a standing unlimited appropriation to backfill lost revenue.  This would be capped at that same $339 million.   The amendment stops the shift that is occurring to the residential property tax payer, by limiting the present allowed 4% growth to only 2%.  Residential property tax payers pay approximately half of all property taxes in the State.  The House amendment provides additional property tax relief across all classes of property by removing some of the K-12 funding property tax burden off of the property tax payer’s shoulders and placing that at the state.   This alone provides an additional $322 million dollars of property tax relief across all classes of property.   This especially helps property tax payers located in school districts that have less property value in relationship to the number of students they have.

In present law, buildings that have two or less living units are taxed as residential.  Structures that have three or more living units are taxed as commercial.  There are exceptions depending how they are listed.  This creates confusion and a tax inequity between like uses.  The House amendment fixes this problem by establishing a new class called Multi-Residential Property.  After a four year phase-in, this classification would receive the same rollback as residential.  This brings clarity and equity into similar buildings with the same use.

Finally, but most importantly, the amendment modernizes property tax assessment for local exchange carriers.  While local exchange carriers have been under a monopoly-era assessment mechanism, other providers have entered the industry under a deregulated, competitive market and received more favorable treatment in this area.  Under central assessment, a local exchange carrier’s stock and debt, income and attachments are also subject to property taxation in Iowa.  The legislation provides an exemption for personal property/central office equipment, an exemption other carriers have received since the mid-90s.  The bill also provides a rollback of 60 percent phased-in over two years. By providing competitive equity through this legislation, local exchange carriers will be better prepared to invest in providing their customers with improved network service.  I am the floor manager of this bill and this is one of the major priorities of our House Republican Caucus and Governor Branstad.

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”   – Winston Churchill

For more information on these and other bills:

-Tom Sands

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Angry Obama to Act Alone against Gun Owners

Click Here: Biden: ‘The President Is Already Lining Up Some Additional Executive Actions’ for Guns


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Gallup: Only 4% of Americans Think Gun Control is an Important Problem

Click Here: Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun  control are an important problem facing the country, according to  Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy,  unemployment and the federal debt.


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Senate Kills Gun Bill

Click Here: The Senate delivered a devastating blow to President Obama’s agenda to regulate guns Wednesday by defeating a bipartisan proposal to expand background checks.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

GOP Moves to Prop Up ObamaCare

Click Here: House Republicans are moving quickly on a new bill to strengthen ObamaCare.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

NSA Data Center Threatens Liberty, Security and Privacy

Click Here: NSA Data Center critics, including former NSA employees, say the data center is front and center in the debate over liberty, security and privacy.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Obama Pays Only 18% Tax on $608,611 Income

Click Here: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid 18.4% in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, the White House said Friday.


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

State Issues from Tom Sands

News from the Hill…

This week in the Iowa House the Education Conference Committee continued to meet to work out the differences between the Iowa House plan and the Iowa Senate plan.  The House set allowable growth for FY 14 and FY 15 at 2% for both years, while the senate plan sets allowable growth for FY 14 and FY 15 at 4%.  This was important to the Senate Democrats, while the policy in the House plan was very important to House Republicans and the Governor.  In the art of compromise the House Republicans laid out a proposal as follows. We will go up to your allowable growth figure in this way.  For FY 14 we will set allowable growth at 2%, and a one-time payment of 2% in 2014, and 4% in 2015 along with acceptance of the House version of the education reform bill.  However, Senate Democrats, this is a one-time offer.  You want to change the policy, the money starts going down.  This takes what is important to all sides and gives everybody a chance to get some of what they want, but not everything.  Time is of the essence, it is time to accept the offer and move on.  Local School districts deserve an answer.


A settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.

Capital Gains Exemption…

A capital gains exemption for Iowa businesses passed out of committee on April 9, 2013 with a vote of 23-2. The bill creates a narrow exemption from Capital Gains taxes for employee-owners of Iowa based companies that have been operating for ten years or more. This legislation is modeled after the Nebraska legislation that was passed three years ago. The bill impacts small business owners, middle class, and upper middle class Iowans who depend on their stock investments that have been purchased over the course of their career to fund their retirement. The bill is narrowly tailored to only allow stocks invested in home-grown Iowa-based business to qualify.  This bill would help and encourage more of the retirees of these companies to stay in Iowa.  We lose too many of some of our best retirees to other states that treat them more fairly with their retirement income.  The loss is greater than the taxes they pay, we need them to stay in Iowa communities mentoring young people to be better citizens, volunteering and sharing their experiences with other people in their respective communities.

Property Tax Update…

This may be the year we can finally get some property tax relief and reform.   I doubt very much with the divided government, the reform or relief will not be as substantial as I would like.  However, I am encouraged to hear key Senators talk about a bill not only passing the Senate, but making it to a conference committee.  This is very important for the following reasons.  In the prior two years we have passed a several property tax bills in the House, but the Senate never took any of them up for consideration.  In the prior two years the Senate has passed only one property tax bill, which we debated, altered and sent it back to them.  But they refused to take action on the House amendment to the altered bill.  I believe the only road map to a property tax bill making it through both chambers is via a Conference Committee.  It takes 51 votes in the House and 26 votes in the Senate for a bill to make it through both chambers.  A conference committee is made up of only 10 legislators, five from the House and five from the Senate.  It will be easier for ten people to find some common ground than it is for 150.

“I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph.”  – Margaret Thatcher

For more information on these and other bills:

-Tom Sands

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Network News Censors Obamacare Bad News


Network news media censoring the news about Obamacare to keep the public from knowing what is coming in the future just like they censor all the Obama news to keep them unknowing and left out of the loop about his lies.

Bozell: ABC, CBS, NBC ‘Deliberately Censoring’ Bad News on Obamacare | CNS News HG

-Caught ’em again

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Highway Patrol gave Feds Missouri Weapon Permits data

Click Here: The Missouri State Highway Patrol has twice turned over the entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders to federal authorities, most recently in January, Sen. Kurt Schaefer said Wednesday.
