Is racism enshrined in the United States Constitution? How could the same Founding Fathers who endorsed the idea that all men are created equal also endorse the idea that some men are not? The answer provided in this short 5-minute video by Carol Swain, former professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, may surprise you.
Category: Political
Public-sector unions have been gaming the political system for decades, bankrupting whole cities and plunging states into massive debt. How did this happen and can it be stopped? Akash Chougule, senior policy fellow for Americans for Prosperity, has the answers in this sobering 5-minute video from Prager University.
Are you tolerant? You probably think so. But who is tolerant in America today? Is it those on the left, or those on the right? In this short 4-minute video, Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report analyzes this question and shares his experience.