Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Parkland Schools’ culture of tolerance lets students like Florida shooter slide

Click here: The South Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper obtained the Florida school shooter’s discipline records and found he was suspended at least 67 days over less than 18-months prior to the shooting. Parkland School’s culture of leniency allows students to engage in an endless loop of violations and second chances, creating a system where kids who commit the same offense for the 10th time may be treated like it’s the first. THE SHOOTER’S 4-PAGE DISCIPLINE REPORT is published at the at the bottom of this article.


Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) had a Chinese Spy Who Worked for her over 20-years

Click here: New details emerged about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years. Senator Feinstein — who was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time — was reportedly mortified when the FBI told her she’d be infiltrated.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

In Socialist Venezuela running water comes once a month and cash machines are empty

Click here: Venezuela president Maduro finally admits his socialist economic policies have ‘FAILED’.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Hungry Venezuelans slaughter Donkey herds for food

Click here: Hungry citizens in socialist Venezuela slaughter Donkey herds for food (how ironic the symbol for the Democrat party, that supports socialism, is the donkey).


Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

John Stossel vs. Noam Chomsky on Venezuela

In this short 4-minute video John Stossel has an exchange with famed M.I.T. linguist Noam Chomsky, who once praised former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez socialist policies.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Noncitizens across U.S. find it easy to register to vote, cast ballots

Click here: Russian national surprised to be on voter rolls in San Francisco
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Democrat Leaders embrace noncitizen voting: ‘I think this is another good step forward’

Click here: Forget the Russian government — foreign nationals are increasingly gaining the ability to influence American elections more directly. They’re being granted the right to vote. From Boston, where the city council is debating the move, to San Francisco, where noncitizens gained the right earlier this month in school-board elections, jurisdictions are looking to expand the boundaries of the electorate beyond its citizens.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

More and More of What We Do Depends on Government Permission. That’s not a recipe for a free country.

Click here: The granting or withholding of that approval is a powerful lever over our lives. Do you have permit for that? If you want to keep that permit, you’d better do as you’re told. Increasingly, that’s the theme of modern America. More and more of what we do is dependent on permission from the government. That permission, unsurprisingly, is contingent on keeping government officials happy. Rub those officials the wrong way and they’ll strip you of permission to travel the roads, leave the country, or even make a living.
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Study: TV’s War Against Trump’s Immigration Enforcement Agenda

Click here: During the 18 months of the Trump presidency, immigration has received more airtime on the three broadcast evening news shows than any other policy topic. The networks’ coverage has been relentlessly hostile to the administration (92% negative, just 8% positive). The next-most-covered topic, the nuclear confrontation with North Korea, garnered 719 minutes of airtime, or about 4 1/2 fewer hours of coverage than immigration..
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Britain’s Gun Control Fails to Reduce Crime

Click here: Britain’s crime crisis IS real: Killings soar to highest level for TEN YEARS and knife crime surges to seven-year high – while no one is charged in nine out of ten crimes