Click Here: Oklahoma Woman Stops Robbers with Gun
“And just all of a sudden, with one kick, he knocked the door completely in. The frame came flying down. Things came flying everywhere,” she said. “And he saw that I had the gun, and he grabbed the door handle and pulled the door shut.”
“A recently released Department of Justice (DOJ) study shows that youth aged 12 through 17 are six times more likely to be attacked by someone using a knife instead of gun.”
The study also notes that homicides among American youth declined by 65 percent from 1993 to 2010, dropping from 8.4 per 100,000 youth to 3.0 per 100,000 youth.
I would suggest your viewers go to the Public Interest Institutes Iowa Transparency web site and read the latest Iowa Transparency Newsletter where figures are shown indicating Iowa is a total of $14.4 Trillion in debt and the state and cities have done little to show concern about their failure of responsibility or accountability to the taxpayers who are robbed to keep the charade going, although the state employees still enjoy their title of “The Privileged Class”. By the way the counties are the only entity that has reduced their debt somewhat.
The web site address is:
I can assure you this article will make you sick to your stomach at what’s been going on with the management of our tax dollars in Des Moines, cities and counties although counties have attempted to operate within a budget and have reduced their debt. Actually, every entity that gets tax money has been living in the red that has finally driven our state debt past $14 Trillion.
Each Iowa citizen is in debt because of Iowa state and local governments failures to the tune of $47,059 based on 306 million state citizens.
The top five (5) losers are: Cities $5 trillion, School Districts/AEAs $3 trillion, State Authorities $2.4 trillion, Board of Regents $1.4 trillion, State Agencies $1.05 trillion, Counties $798.4 million, Community Colleges $579.5 million and others $43.5 million.
Of course no one will be held responsible or accountable for the losses and the massive debt the “The Privileged Class” has bestowed upon the “Robbed Class,” the taxpayer, who is forced to pay for the totally incompetent governments who represents us, supposdely in Iowa.
Each and every citizen in Iowa is in debt to the tune of $47,059 because of the people running government and only they can be held responsible for this catastrophic failure of trust, accountability, responsibility and honor.
Every Falcon viewer should go to the web site and actually read how we have been duped by government entities here in Iowa.