Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Gallup: Only 4% of Americans Think Gun Control is an Important Problem

Click Here: Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun  control are an important problem facing the country, according to  Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy,  unemployment and the federal debt.


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Senate Kills Gun Bill

Click Here: The Senate delivered a devastating blow to President Obama’s agenda to regulate guns Wednesday by defeating a bipartisan proposal to expand background checks.

Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

MSNBC’s Harris Has No Clue


Melissa Harris of MSNBC is a person who popped up right up out of the slimy muck generated by the liberal misfits of this country.  She’s the person who thinks your kids would be better off belonging to the entire community rather than to you, his or her parents.

This is about the dumbest most worthless thought process I’ve ever heard of and leave it to Americas worst network to produce this ignorant, brain dead idea.  Just what is wrong with these people that spew this type of trash information of no value.  I imagine Miss Harris supports every crackpot thought traveling around in the backwater of liberalism.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Why was satchel not investigated?


I’m not second guessing security at the marathon but how could a satchel clearly visible outside the retaining fence right next to a mailbox have never been seen by security or reported by anyone even those standing adjacent to the thing behind the control fence.

It’s my understanding the picture was taken where the second bomb exploded and the bomb can clearly be seen in a bag right next to the mail box.

Our country has so many illegal and green carders in our country it would boggle the mind trying to figure out if an home grown American terrorist is on the loose or a crackpot foreign terrorist.  Unless someone comes forward with information this investigation could go on for a long time.

Any such plans for a big get together like the Boston Marathon should make sure no unattended bags are lining the route as appears to be the case in Boston.  Trash containers or any containers should be check for IED’s.


Burlington Iowa Obituaries West Burlington


Infant Gatling Eugene Fry was stillborn Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Russell C. Smith, 86, Burlington died Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

GOP Moves to Prop Up ObamaCare

Click Here: House Republicans are moving quickly on a new bill to strengthen ObamaCare.

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Meet the ‘Catholic NRA’

Click Here: As the Senate takes up a heated debate over gun control and background checks, Catholic bishops have used the months since the Newtown school massacre to push gun control in email blasts and Senate Judiciary Committee testimony. But among the Catholic faithful, not everyone supports gun control measures.

Call them the NRA Catholics.


Burlington Iowa New London Obituaries West Burlington


Shirley C. Shaw, 84, New London formerly Burlington died Saturday, April 13, 2013

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

NSA Data Center Threatens Liberty, Security and Privacy

Click Here: NSA Data Center critics, including former NSA employees, say the data center is front and center in the debate over liberty, security and privacy.

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Deanna Binnie Takes Women’s Rifle Crown

Click Here: Deanna Binnie (Holsopple, Pa.) is the newest USA Shooting National Junior Team member after winning the Three-Position event as competition in women’s rifle concluded as part of the 17-day National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships (NJOSC).