Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

ObamaCare in Trouble?

Click Here: Exchange provision delayed, as lawmakers push to repeal another

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Washington Post gives Obama 3-Pinocchios for falsely claiming “40% of all gun sales don’t require a background check under current law”

Click Here: Washington Post says, “We were willing to cut the White House some slack, given the paucity of recent data. But the president’s failure to acknowledge the significant questions about these old data, or his slippery phrasing, leaves us little choice but to downgrade this claim to Three Pinocchios.”


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

UN goes for Guns

Click Here: Gun rights advocates fear U.N. treaty will lead to U.S. registry

gun UN

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

‘Zombie’ Homes Plague American Cities

Click Here: A new real estate survey says at least 301,874 “zombie” homes have been abandoned after their owners fell into foreclosure.

Florida ranked number one with 90,556 zombie homes. Illinois ranked second with 31,668 and California ranks third with 28,821 vacant properties.


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Democrat State Senator and City Councilman arrested in ‘bribery plot’ to rig mayor race

Click Here: The two New York Democrats allegedly formed a conspiracy built on cash payments and fraud to get Smith — one of the state’s top Democrats — placed on the GOP mayoral ballot, sources said.

Iowa News Rentals West Burlington West Burlington

New ‘Rentals Available’ on Menu

Check out our new ‘Rentals Available’ on the Menu bar above.

This is new for us. We are going to start out small (at first) and will list, for free, Rental Apartments and Houses available in West Burlington as a service to our good city’s newest citizens.

For more information on our new service, please click ‘E-mail Falcon’ on the Menu above and request information on how to get your West Burlington rental listed here.

Thanks – Falcon

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Ammo Prices Doubled Since December

Click Here: A box containing 500 rounds of .22LR was selling for approximately $20/box back in December.  Today, the same box sells for $49, a 145 percent increase in price. The .223 was selling for $0.50 a round in mid-December.  Today it sells for $1.00/round; a 100 percent increase in price.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

State Issues from Tom Sands

News from the Hill…

The Myth of Cost-Free Medicaid Expansion….

It is a myth that expanding Medicaid doesn’t cost Iowa taxpayers any money because the federal government pays 100% of the expansion.  That is false and it is a myth propagated by proponents of Medicaid expansion.

Expanding Medicaid the way some have proposed has two fundamental problems:

1-It costs more every year for the same services.

2-It doesn’t make Iowans healthier.

Currently Iowa has 400,000 people enrolled in Medicaid.  The FY 14 estimate is that this will cost $1.2 billion in state dollars which is $88.5 million more than last year.  This cost grows every year because the number of Iowans who qualify grows, if expansion is approved or not.  Since 2000, Medicaid enrollment has gone up 88% and Medicaid expenditures are up 226%.  With or without Obamacare, the cost of Medicaid is going up.

Additionally, there are between 52,000 and 81,000 people who qualify for Medicaid but are not enrolled.  The cost of providing Medicaid to these Iowans over the next seven years is estimated at between $327 million and $564 million of additional state funds.  Under Obamacare, these people have to be enrolled in Medicaid because they are not eligible to receive health insurance.  The state is required to pay for these people at the current rateThese people ARE NOT among the new enrollees which the federal government promises to cover at 100% for three years.  Once again, the cost on Iowans goes up again.

Finally, you have 150,000 people who will become newly eligible for Medicaid under Obamacare.  The federal government promises to pay 100% of the cost for these people for three years.  After three years, the federal share decreases.

I believe it is irresponsible and foolhardy to believe the federal government will live up to its funding promises. Just last week the U.S. Senate decided to repeal one of the key revenue generators for Medicaid expansion when it repealed the medical device tax.  With that revenue stream gone, the feds are forced to find it elsewhere.  A logical and easy place to go is lower the percentage they will reimburse states for the newly-eligible Medicaid recipients.

It is a myth that expanding Medicaid doesn’t cost the hardworking taxpayers of Iowa any money.  Medicaid costs are going up, even if it’s not expanded.  But Medicaid is going to cost EVEN MORE if we DO expand.

We need an Iowa solution.  Right now we have a Medicaid program that people on both sides of the aisle believe is broken.  That broken system treats Iowans over and over for the same chronic diseases and the same medical issues while Iowa taxpayers keep paying for it, over and over.  At the same time, none of these Medicaid recipients are getting healthier.  Without an outcomes-driven program, like the Governor’s Healthy Iowa Plan, we have no hope of containing costs or making Iowans on another Medicaid program healthier.

Once Iowa decides to jump into Medicaid expansion with both feet, there is no backing out.  The Supreme Court reaffirmed our right to decide if we want in, but it also did not stipulate a right to leave once we’re in.  Regardless, this would leave needy Iowans out in the cold – we need an Iowa program now.

The hardworking taxpayers of Iowa are not interested in ceding control of the fastest growing portion of the state budget to Washington, DC.

The Governor’s Healthy Iowa Plan has three goals:

Improve the quality of careprovides a benefits package similar to private care that includes in and outpatient services, physician services, prescription drugs, home health, durable medical equipment, therapies and some transportation.

Lower costs:  implements personal responsibility mechanisms that have worked in other states and the private sector to encourage members to be cost-conscious consumers of health care as well as healthy behaviors.

Make Iowans healthierrewards health care providers for helping make Iowans healthier.

“Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.” – Ronald Reagan

For more information on these and other bills:

-Tom Sands

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

CDC Report: 110,197,000 Venereal Infections in U.S.

Click Here: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports there were 19.7 million new venereal infections in the United States in 2008, bringing the total number of existing sexually  transmitted infections (STIs) in the U.S. to 110,197,000.


Burlington Iowa Nature News Political West Burlington

Eagle killed by wind farm brings federal scrutiny

Click Here:  The wind farm could face a fine of up to $200,000 because it does not hold a federal “take” permit that would allow the incidental death of a golden or bald eagle.
