Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Iowa’s Once Famed Pheasant Population


While living up on the northern boundary of Clinton Country in the Preston, Iowa area I noticed a strange habit that obviously has contributed to the decline of pheasant in Iwa, I also saw this in the Reinbeck area back in the 90’s.

Farmers are now cutting the ditches just as they cut their lawns destroying cover that was once used by the pheasant.  I noticed in Clinton County the country crews were knocking down all the trees along the fence and hedgerows and when I asked them why they were doing it I was told, “Farmers are complaining the spots of shade on the fields are causing them to lose crops.”  In Clinton County they just knocked down the trees with a back hoe splintering them something terrible leaving the landscape looking like a bomb had gone off.

Even in Des Moines County people living in the country are cutting the ditches to the extent they do their lawns eradicating a favorite place for Iowa’s once famed pheasant population to seek cover in.

I always wondered why a farmer would waste fuel to cut the ditches a quarter mile either side of this home and in some cases much further than a quarter mile.

The human population has done much to restrict the growth of the pheasant population as has anything Mother Nature has thrown at them.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Donald Kaul should be committed to a mental institute


Donald Kaul should be committed to a mental institute provided Iowa has one left.  People like him are always the ones that not only shoot off their mouths but eventually end up threatening people with their radical thinking and then start shooting bullets.  This guy is obviously a nut case and belongs locked up to protect the general public.  After all it’s people like him that do the mass killings when they don’t get their selfish ways.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Democrats, Crime & Guns

Falcon :

I see where the democrats in Iowa want to confiscate the big guns and the semi-automatic guns that haven’t really been used in Iowa as they have in other states but here in Burlington it would be nice to get the illegal hand guns out from the hands of Burlington’s newest citizens, the drug dealers and thugs from out of state that have ruined our once quiet streets with the sound of gunfire on a weekly basis.

Why don’t the democrats come on down to Burlington or anywhere in eastern Iowa where crime is out of control and quell the constant violent crime epidemic?  The top cities in Iowa for crime are in order Keokuk, Davenport and then Burlington.  What is the state or the loud mouth democrats doing to stop the current shootings in these three cities?

I know the democrats always talk a good government but have never produced one that I know of.  All this political correct crap from the liberal democrats has cost Iowa dearly in safety and quality of life in eastern and central Iowa.

Believe me it’s not native Iowans doing all the shooting in Burlington or other eastern Iowa cities.  One can tell by the names in the local paper what group they are from provided they ever get caught which does happen on occasion.  Usually they run back to Chicago until things cool down and then just go on with their criminal lives back in Illinois.  The analysis, supported by FBI records, finds that in 2005 alone, for example, African Americans accounted for 49% of all homicide victims in the US — again, almost exclusively at the hands of other African Americans.

So, eastern Iowa would sure appreciate the democrats coming over here and putting a stop to the almost daily shootings that occur on the streets instead of worrying about something that hasn’t been a problem in Iowa.  By the way Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws around and it hasn’t stopped the murders there at all in fact they’ve increased considerably.

One can read about what’s going on across America by reading this article:  ‘Race Wars’ Part 1: The Shocking Data on Black-on-Black Crime | Video |

Iowa Democrat State Rep. Dan Muhlbauer should come on down and lead the charge against the shootouts here in Burlington if he’s so concerned about big guns.  Here in Burlington they may not be big guns but they do plenty of damage on a regular basis.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama Care & Free Exercise of Religion


Well, one of the left wing Obama judges on the Supreme Court has ruled against Hobby Lobby even though the first line of the Bill of Rights Says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Obamacare prohibits the free exercise of religion by the owners of Hobby Lobby when it comes to their religion and the killing of babies through abortion.  I guess it’s too bad their not Muslim or the case may have come out much different.  The liberals in the court have allowed the mass murder of many more babies under the guise of government than has the Muslim world

Anyway, it was pointed out in a previous case that Sotomayor ruled in favor of a Muslim inmate who was denied Ramadan meals. She held that the meal was subjectively important to the inmate’s practice of Islam.  This only goes to show how liberalism bends the constitution and/or Bill of Rights to suit their own warped view of the documents and of course the liberal agenda.  So with Sotomayor what’s good for the Muslim religion is not good enough for the Christian religion.  The majority of Americans are not even represented in the Supreme Court while the religion of a major terrorist group is.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama the Socialist Tax Hiker


Obama is so motivated to raise taxes and increase the size of government that he could care less about the fiscal cliff and would be happy if we were all dependent on government to coddle us from birth to the grave such as socialist countries do.

He actually believes we should be like Europe where everyone is dependent on government for their livelihood or well being.  This way we can all be the same regardless of the human spirit that has driven America for the past 200 plus years something which will die.

Obama’s world is one of a few government officials on the upper rung of society managing the rest of the servants lingering below which is the entire population less a few of his socialist friends.  This guy wants to destroy our economy and that’s all there is to it.  The guy in my opinion is a nut case and it was nut cases who put him back in office for another four years.  By the time they realize their mistake, twice now it will be too late to clean it up.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon Political West Burlington

Hillary Hideout


I see where Hillary is still hiding out so as not to appear and explain why the administration failed to protect the ambassador and three others killed during the terrorist attack on the embassy in Libya.

It’s also been made public but not by the Obama run newspapers or TV news that the four employees whose dereliction of duty for not adequately protecting the embassy in Benghazi have not been fired but just moved around state to another location in order to continue to draw their salary and benefits although they are incompetent and not accountable by government standards for their mistakes as they would be in the private sector.

There just isn’t any shame in this administration or ethics when it comes to honesty.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon Political West Burlington

‘Time’less Obama


Why in hell would Time magazine name Obama man of the year?  I can’t think of one thing he’s done to warrant such an award, if that’s what it is if not met to be a joke.

This Obama has done nothing to heal the problems our country faces other than making most of them worse.  He’s  failed to produce a budget since being in office plus he’s not done much of anything about the recession and what he has done has all failed, with the exception of putting our grandchildren further in debt to the Chinese.  Then when his worthless healthcare cranks up we’ll be so bad off nothing will save us unless he resigns.

We have a government that can’t manage the post office, Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security along with many other so called programs and now they think they can manage the healthcare industry.  Government is our worst enemy with Obama at the helm thanks to a lying press along with the Obama biased TV news and the votes of people that have no value added input to our country through only taking value.

Hang on folks the worst is yet to happen and be assured it will with Obama at the helm.  By the way one of his cost saving plans is to reduce the COLA (which is already little to nothing) for those on Social Security but of course he didn’t mention it during his campaign.  Sooner or later all the lies will rise to the surface and people will begin to understand how they were duped again into voting for him.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Liberal Lies


All these liberal government and media employees are hypocrites because they say one thing and do just the opposite trying to keep the masses in the dark about their political correct bs.  Obama’s kids go to a school with armed guards as do many of the talking heads from liberal news-land and elsewhere whose kids also attend guarded schools.  Don’t forget their self importance allows them to lie in order to support what they try to deny the masses through crooked politics,  misleading news stories or just plain censoring of the news by not printing or talking about it which is a common method used by the press and television news.

The objective of these talking dimwits is to get gun control just like the Attorney General tried to do through his failed Fast and Furious program.  Liberals will stoop to anything to get their stupid agendas passed through our worthless deadbeat do nothing congress and if not that way by regulations or mandates through the liberal administration and their EPA storm trooper organization.

Outright lying is a way of life for liberal people to achieve their agendas regardless of the collateral damage it inflicts on the population who only want to be left alone by these liberal talking and print heads out to destroy our democracy.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Library Problems


I use the genealogy department at the Burlington Library quite frequently and can’t help but notice the lengthy down time on the film readers and associated equipment one of which has been down for good year.

There are two banks of film readers I’ll call the North Row and the South Row.  I generally use the South Row on a regular basis.  The west most South Row machine has been unusable for a good year with no apparent attempts by the library to get it fixed or replaced.  The next two machines will not print because the printer is constantly jammed which at times causes the film readers themselves incapable of aligning the page on the viewer.  This printer problem has been a thorn in the side of customers for a good month and impacts the use of three pieces of equipment.  Two film readers (possibly three) and one printer basically inoperative unless the jam is removed from the printer which apparently needs something cleaned or repaired since it can’t fix itself.  Could also be a badly worn out part in the vicinity of where the sheet of paper exits the machine.

I can see no reason for these machines being in such poor condition since they are a vital part of the genealogy department and are a must for taxpayers when doing research of past newspapers and other film recorded historical records.

We in Burlington pay a tax double to what the rest of the state pays for library service and in many cases are not getting our monies worth at all.

Another problem area is the newspapers where those taxpayers who go to the library in Burlington have only one Hawk-Eye available to read, on a daily basis.  If they have other local papers there not made available to those taxed to support the library.  In my opinion there should be more than one local paper for reading by the taxpayers many of which can’t wait in line in hopes of reading the paper.  To me this is no different than having only one computer to service the daily crowds that currently use computers at the library.  It’s much easier to get a computer to use than read the local paper.  There are four banks of computers for use in one spot and others spread around the library and yet only one local paper in the whole of the library out and seldom available to read without a wait period.  Taxpayers can also being their own computer for free wireless Internet if desired.

Even the parking can be a challenge at the library because of the smallness and layout of the lot.  This lot is not near big enough to service the many meeting rooms and general library use at the same time.  To me the library is in the worst of all locations because of limited parking and constant shaking as trucks go by on the freeway.  A library wedged into the side of a hill just leads one to believe better choices had to be available but that’s water over the damn now.  The taxpayers voted against the library twice but we end up with it anyway costing us twice what most Iowa towns and cities layout for library service.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Gunman Likely a Known Risk


I think the Burlington High School has had an armed policeman patroling the halls for years now in order to keep the schools safe from whoever may be threatening those there trying to get an education.  It’s my understanding there are also social workers on the premises.

On top of that I’d suggest the mental health industry be a bit more thorough in keeping mentally ill people off the streets in order to protect the normal population.   It’s hard to find one of these mass murderers that aren’t messed up and known to be dangerous but released from mental hospitals or never committed at all and not taking their meds because of those in the mental health industry who believe in the process of political correct thinking.  In many previous cases it was found that they system failed over and over again to protect the general population when it comes to these mentally messed up people.

When it’s all said and done it will more than likely be found this guy in Connecticut was a known risk to the general public but ignored or passed through the system and released although still mentally challanged because a normal human being would never do what this guy did.