Category: Education
Dr. Hamilton shows how to calm a crying baby. This technique has been utilized by Dr. Bob to quiet infants during office visits. Parents have learned it and have experienced great success at home. You can too.
There were thousands of college commencement speeches around the country this year for the Class of 2015. But there was one missing — one very truthful, funny and witty speech that graduates should’ve heard, but didn’t. Well, here it is, spoken by George Will, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist at the Washington Post.

Case New Holland of Burlington gives a $5,000 ‘Project Lead the Way’ grant to West Burlington School District’s Junior High Technical and Pre-Engineering Program. From left: Pat Daly – President Local 807 UAW, Bruce Snodgrass – WB HS/JH Principal, Laura Hubbard – CNH HR Manager, Taylor Fountain – Industrial Tech Teacher, David Schmitt – WB Superintendent.

Students from one of the West Burlington Junior High Classes that will benefit from Case New Holland’s $5,000 grant give thumbs up to say thanks!
Everyone complains about America’s debt, and rightly so, but how do we get out of it? As Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner explains, spending on entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — has exploded in recent decades. We must slow their growth or they will soon swallow the entire federal budget. In five minutes, learn how America can preserve these programs and get out of debt.